13 May 2007

Weigh in

Well today is weigh in day! My sponsor said that she weighs herself once a month! Only once a month! I could never do that! I haven't even gotten through a whole week without weighing myself yet. But I made it through till Thursday this week. That's five days. The week before that it was only 2 or 3. Now I know I'm supposed to weigh myself at the same time of day...and for me the most convenient time is just after I shower at night. I have it down to a fine art. First I go to the toilet...even twice if I think it might help. Then I have a shower and make sure I'm nice and dry so that those little droplets of water don't bump my weight up. But I don't put on any clothes of course. Then I line up the scales with the exact same bathroom tiles as they were the last time i weighed myself. Then step on the first analogue scale (the one which I don't rely on but which takes about a half to one kilo off the other scales). Then I turn the digital scales on with my left foot, and step on, left foot first, as far forward as I can. Then I turn them on with my left foot and step on again as far forward as I can but this time with my right foot first. I repeat this process until I have covered all possible weights (my bathroom floor isn't flat) then I take the average of the highest and lowest weight and that is my weight. Oh, and of course I weighed myself about 6 times at different times throughout the day today.

Whew! and I thought I wasn't obsessed with my weight! I used to rely on the scales to keep me going with dieting...but if they don't go far down enough then it triggers me to eat. Surely this should prove my insanity to me.

Anyway...I know what I care about...how much I've lost. Well good news! I'VE LOST 1KG/2LB! Well there abouts. And, that puts me UNDER 200lb!!! That is a relief. For you US people it's hard to understand what pounds do to you. When I got to 100kg I freaked out...but to be over 200lb...arrrrgh! Here is the trick for making the most of the metric/US lingo difference:
1. Measure your current weight in KG
2.Measure your weight loss in LB
3. Measure what you actually ate in calories
4. Measure how much you can eat during the day and how much you burned off at the gym in Kilojoules.

Anyway...that is definitely exciting. Of course I wanted more. I wanted 1.5kg loss. But I know that's not healthy weight loss anyway...It's just my grandma is coming down in July and she's one of those "you need to lose weight but I'll take you to McDonalds and cook cakes for you anyway" grandmothers. I just wish the weight would all go away. I want it gone!!! Yes I know it's impatient...but I don't care. Where's my fairy godmother to turn this pumpkin into a beanstalk?

But don't get me wrong...I'm happy...it's just every time I weigh myself I see how much I've lost but also how far I have to go. Still you can feel quite free to congratulate me!!!

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