I want abstinence!
Hello Everyone! I’m powerless over food and I cannot manage my own life. How about you?
So...a new post, a new excuse for blog neglect. This time I’ve been tripping from one end of my country to the other, stopping in at home for a night or two to fulfil a local commitment, then setting off again. Travelling can be great fun. But it’s not wonderful for recovery. Not only does it often become difficult to find the time, privacy and internet/phone/meeting facilities for working the program, but there are a lot of triggers for overeating, including stress, change, fatigue, lack of control over what and when you eat, and so on. Overall I saw progress on this trip compared to previous trips in recovery, but failed to maintain abstinence, mainly due to a combination of stress, fatigue and program neglect, as well as just plain self-will.

I almost made it through that trip abstinent. I say almost, because on my last full day there I gave in and had “just one” of my grandmother’s home-made sugary treats. I managed to be abstinent after that for about 12 hours...but the obsession that had been triggered was brewing inside me, and eventually broke through the flimsy barrier of my willpower. After everyone had gone to bed I raided the cupboards not once, but twice, and and did not regain abstinence until two days later. However, progress not perfection is my favourite OA slogan. I can definitely say that there was improvement. Apart from the length I held out, I was much firmer with my grandma about my eating requirements, and less worried about putting her out, than I have been in the past
I arrived home at about 9pm on Tuesday the 29th of January, and hurried to prepare a lesson for the next day. I felt very resentful when only 4 people turned up to the free, volunteer English class that I had cut short my time at my grandma’s to eat. After getting home from the lesson I packed my bags for another destination, got to bed around midnight, and woke up at 3:30am the next morning January 31st to head to the airport. My second destination was more than a twelve hour drive from my home, but this time I flew. I went to visit a very dear friend of mine who is now studying there. I got back from that trip at 12:30am of February 6th, snatched a few hours sleep and hurriedly prepared a shambles of a lesson for that afternoon. After getting home on the Wednesday night I collapsed into bed, and I’ve spent the last 2 days recovering.
I started my abstinence again on the morning of the interstate trip. During my time with my friend, I slipped up a teensy bit once or twice. But overall I would say I was abstinent the whole time- eating according to plan without white flour or sugar. That was a definite record for time away from home. However, getting a record for nomadic abstinence made me cocky and wilful, as did the loneliness and depression at saying goodbye to my friend again. By the time I left her I was back in the illness. As I was saying goodbye to my friend all I could think about was how I would soon have the chance to eat without any accountability at the airport. I did overeat in amount at the airport, but I still stayed away from white sugar and white flour. That was definitely my Higher Power not me at work, coz I came awfully close. Unfortunately, even that abstinence broke when I got home. I had two white rolls on arriving home, and the next day I also ate some of my number one binge food: ice cream.
The thing that really ruined my abstinence this second time was the return of se

My abstinence started again this Friday. May God help me to maintain it. I’m working my program hard now. I’m sick of breaking abstinence again and again. So many long-timers have years of back-to-back abstinence. I know it’s possible if I just work the steps. I am continuing to work my third and fourth step. More about that later. For now, thanks to all those of you who have bothered to read this far. I hope my story has been of help to you. And thank you to God for the more than a day of abstinence. Please continue to grant me more. I offer myself to you, as your servant creature. Please mould me and remake me so that I might serve you and do your will as you would have me. Amen.
Hannah,so wonderful to see you writing again. Being away from our "comfort zone" of our homes is definately a HUGE challenge for most COE's.Keep moving forward girlie. Hugs,Darlene
Hey Hannah!
Sounds like you've had a rough go of things lately. You are really hard on yourself honey... I'm learning through working this program that the more I try to force things and the more I beat myself up, mentally berate myself, and set totally unrealistic targets… The more defeated I get because I’m trying to do things my way.
The rigid restrictions do not work for me because I would just keep failing, which made me feel worse… Not to mention I finally realized that if I don’t know what’s best for me, then why am I going with what I think I should do instead of going to HP for everything (does that make sense?) I had to start out with moderation and ask God at every turn, around every corner, and with every decision what’s next for me & what’s best for me – foodwise, emotionally, and physically. I pray before every single meal and before I ever put any food into my mouth that I may be able to stop when I am truly full. This helps me to be aware of what I’m doing instead of the going into a mindless binge and then dealing with the aftermath.
I know it ALWAYS sounds so much easier on paper… You ARE doing the right thing because you are here, you’re trying, and you want to get healthy inside & out. Be gentle with yourself, as you would picture God to be with you. Remember he loves you so much more than we could ever imagine and wants you to live an abundant life and to be the best you can be! I’ve actually started praying for God to help me be the best I can be… That really hits home with me.
Much love to you and I’ll send lots of good vibes your way for things to start looking up and for great things in your life!!! MUAH!
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